Fettle + Food is pleased to offer a variety of corporate services and programs
Lunch & Learn
- 1-hour lunch and learn (can be done anytime during the day)
- Pick three-five nutrition and health topics (list provided by Fettle + Food)
- Optional: support bringing in a healthy lunch and/or snacks for the group
- Virtual and in-person options are available
Challenges & Programs
- 4-week challenge or program
- Hosted online (Facebook group or through a forum on our app)
- Weekly nutrition topic/challenge
- Daily recipes/videos/information provided to group
- Challenge option: winner selected and the prize TBD (Fettle + Food is happy to provide part of the prize for the challenge).
- Optional: in-person or zoom kick-off and wrap up meetings
Cooking & Meal Prep Workshops
- 2-hour cooking and meal prep workshop
- Menu items and grocery list provided by Fettle + Food (dietary needs provided by company)
- Virtual and in-person options are available
- Optional: grocery shopping/groceries can be purchased and delivered through Fettle + Food