Isn’t it frustrating when you’ve spent an absurd amount of money buying fresh produce, just to throw a bunch of it away after what feels like only a couple of days because of mould or rot? And then the guilt that comes with wasting food hits you, and you’re wondering why adulthood is so difficult… no? Just me? Anyway…

I’ve got a few tips for you that have helped me keep my food waste down to a minimum. If if you have more to share, please send us a message!

  1. After rinsing leafy greens, pat them dry and wrap in a paper towel. You can put the bundle in a plastic (or reusable silicone) bag, and seal. The paper towel will absorb some of the excess moisture so the leaves don’t get soggy as fast!
  2. Keep bananas and other fruits (including apples, tomatoes, cantaloupe, and figs) that release ethylene gas away from other produce, and in an open space. You can even wrap up the stems of bananas with small pieces of plastic wrap to stifle the release of ethylene. Once the bananas have reached your preferred level of ripeness, just pop them in the fridge, and they will not brown as quickly.
  3. Most produce requiring refrigeration do best in containers with tight fitting lids to prevent drying out. However, too much moisture can cause mold to spread quickly. So produce, like berries, are best to be cleaned only once ready to eat.
  4. Another tip for many fruits and veggies such as berries, grapes, and lettuce is to purchase a container that features a tray or basket inside, with holes or a grid shape. The idea is that the produce sits on the lifted up tray, so excess moisture drips off onto the bottom of the container instead of making the produce soggy.
  5. Store parsley, cilantro, and other fresh herbs by cutting the stems slighty so that you have an even bunch, and place them into a jar that has a little bit of water at the bottom. Then, put a loose plastic bag over the (unwashed) leaves.
  6. Cut carrots and celery down into sticks (optional), then submerge in jars full of water. If you cut them small enough to put a lid on, they will last a little longer sealed. Add some fresh water to the jar every few days, and they should be good for 1-2 weeks!
  7. Cut lemons and limes have been a serious issue for me for a very long time. I recently read that wrapping the cut citrus tightly with plastic or beeswax wrap, then wrapping with aluminum foil on top helps them stay fresh in the fridge for longer. I can confirm, this works!
  8. Onions should be left in an open, ventilated space, such as your countertop. A paper bag, wire basket, or a trendy mesh shopping bag are all great options to store them in.
  9. To prevent sprouting, potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place, in a well-vented storage container such as a crate or cardboard box with holes punched in it.



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