Isn’t it frustrating when you’ve spent an absurd amount of money buying fresh produce, just to throw a bunch of it away after what feels like only a couple of days because of mould or rot? And then the guilt that comes with wasting food hits you, and you’re wondering why adulthood is so difficult……
Soggy veggies, under (or somehow over)-cooked, under flavoured meat are the hallmarks of a poorly prepared stirfry. I saw a tweet recently that inspired me to write this blog post. It was something along the lines of, “Your twenties are for making some of the worst stirfry’s of your life.” As much as I agree…
If you’ve never heard the term “oil pulling,” then you’re more than likely scratching your head right now and asking how one “pulls” a liquid, and more importantly, why? To put it simply, oil pulling involves swishing oil around the mouth, using it like a mouthwash. If you’re still confused, we don’t blame you. Oil…
Did you know that human digestive tracts have about 300-500 different species of bacteria inside them? Some microorganisms are bad, but others are healthy and necessary in order to maintain a healthy body. How do we make sure we are getting enough of the “right” type of bacteria? Well first, lets take a look at…
Spending a lot of time food prepping and thinking of what to make for dinner when you get home from work can be time-consuming and stressful. So stressful that you end up getting takeout and making choices that you may end up regretting. Now with the way things are, takeout services are far more readily…
Who doesn’t love a good taco? With the endless choices of toppings to choose from, each mouthful can be customized to your liking! Tacos are perfect for those who enjoy a variety of tastes and textures in their meals and are suitable for those who are aiming to eat clean. Food tracking your homemade tacos…