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Making the Time for Nutrition

We all make the time for anything that is a priority in our life. Although for most of us, work takes up a large chunk of our waking hours, we still carve out time in the day to do the things that matter: exercise, seeing close friends, or shopping for example. A common challenge we…

Pumped for Pumpkin

Fall is very much in full force, and that means pumpkin season has also made its way back into our lives. Fortunately, like other gourds, this plump and delicious vegetable is highly nutrient-dense and can be easily incorporated into a number of different dishes. Pumpkin is a beta-carotene beast! If you didn’t know, beta carotene is a…

Keeping Fruits and Veggies Crisp

Isn’t it frustrating when you’ve spent an absurd amount of money buying fresh produce, just to throw a bunch of it away after what feels like only a couple of days because of mould or rot? And then the guilt that comes with wasting food hits you, and you’re wondering why adulthood is so difficult……

Try for a Better Stir Fry

Soggy veggies, under (or somehow over)-cooked, under flavoured meat are the hallmarks of a poorly prepared stirfry. I saw a tweet recently that inspired me to write this blog post. It was something along the lines of, “Your twenties are for making some of the worst stirfry’s of your life.” As much as I agree…


Pack for an Adventure Snack!

The best part about longer days is that there is more time to get out there, enjoy the outdoors and be active! Hiking is not only great for building strength and cardiovascular endurance, it is also a great social activity and a good way to spend time with your friends. However, hiking can be very…


Make Taco Tuesday Amaiizing!

Who doesn’t love a good taco? With the endless choices of toppings to choose from, each mouthful can be customized to your liking! Tacos are perfect for those who enjoy a variety of tastes and textures in their meals and are suitable for those who are aiming to eat clean. Food tracking your homemade tacos…


Mindful Eating

What is mindfulness? We know that the definition of “mindful” is to be aware of something. It could be towards others’ feelings, such as to be mindful not to offend or hurt someone. It could also refer to being mindful of your surroundings if you are in or entering a potentially dangerous situation such as…


What the F is IF?

What is intermittent fasting? Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves a shorter eating “window,” during the day, and fasting in the time outside of this window. Some refer to IF as a diet, but this is not exactly accurate. In IF, there are no “good” or “bad” foods; this eating pattern does not…


Oh Me, Oh Mega

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy and essential fats that we get through the foods we eat and sometimes through supplements as well. Many people who eat a North American diet do not get enough omega-3’s in their diet, so if you live in Canada like us, you may want to take notes! Sources of Omega-3’s…


Polyphenols Are Friends

What are polyphenols? Polyphenols are natural compounds that can be found in a number of plant foods. They are involved in defense against ultraviolet radiation or aggression by pathogens, and in this way, they act as antioxidants. Types of Polyphenols There are tens of thousands of polyphenols that have been identified so far, but there…

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